Change. Communication. Collaboration.

How We Can Help


Guest Speaking

Are you looking for a speaker on global readiness? We have delivered talks at conferences, spoken on university panels and for community groups, presented at virtual summits, and been featured guests on podcasts and web episodes.

We primarily speak about global skills, adapting across cultures, and understanding U.S. culture, but we also recently spoke on developing a global career, writing intercultural children’s literature, and building cross-cultural relationships.


Do you want to help your global team improve their communication with each other and with clients from different cultures? Do you need a tutorial on a host culture or on the cultural adjustment process ahead of a relocation or repatriation? Our customized trainings and workshops set you up for success.

Recent programs include repatriation strategies for a Fortune 500 C-suite leader, intercultural foundations for a hospital serving global patients, U.S. culture for European senior executives at multinational corporations, cross-cultural communication for a nonprofit assisting refugees, and Swedish culture for an American tech entrepreneur.


Are you hungry for more learning? Do you want to dig deeper? Our self-paced courses offer a chance to build your own global readiness. (Coming soon!)

Do you feel “stuck” in a cultural obstacle but aren’t sure how to get through it? Coaching provides a safe space to air frustrations, get personalized insights and advice, develop strategies, and receive feedback as you practice new skills.

Recent coaching clients include an American expat in South America, international students and young professionals from Asia and Europe who are building futures in the U.S., and Americans repatriating to the U.S. amid the pandemic.


Have you ever wished there was someone you could turn to with your global business or cultural question? When you need a sounding board, a voice of reason, or a fresh perspective, we’re here to give you our best advice.

Recent advice-seekers include teachers with questions about how to engage students from different cultures, neighbors experiencing cultural misunderstanding and conflict, and even a producer from Los Angeles who wanted to know about France before going to the Cannes Film Festival.
